This post could just have easily borne the title of Jackdaw days
as my attention seems to be drawn to any variety of shiny distraction these days.
Squirrels, though, with their heads down bounding from spot to spot,
digging, planning, working so hard at what may be a fruitless cause in another month or so
are an apt comparison to the prevailing mood chez moi.
Tuesday morning |
There is no lack of reasonable tasks available each day.
More-urgent is not always the same as most urgent.
The siren song of interesting ideas lures me
from the safe productivity of my lists.
Is it the layering of leaves outside
that prompts such a desire to replicate
the colors and clutter of fall inside our homes?
Is squirrelishness our response to the changing seasons?
Tuesday night |
One of my recent obsessions has been the fireplace mantle.
My pinterest page is suddenly full of mantle pictures.
Studying them has made me aware that
the mantle may be only a part of the problem.
It really is a big picture issue.
Let's start with a reminder that I love my fireplace.
Maybe not the glass doors - but the idea and use of it I love.
I've tried a variety of things over the course of the last year.
We have talked about major renovations:
a tile surround
built-in bookshelves.
This week, though, the emphasis has been on
spending no money - re purpose what is already here - a challenge
I always enjoy.
Wednesday morning
The windows come from Dad's house in Hampton.
They flanked his fireplace.
He gave them to me during the siding/windows project and I've
carted them several times across the Midwest since then.
There are sliding glass doors opposite the couch which
limit the seating options in the room.
The small cabinets on the side provide storage and balance.
Perhaps a bookshelf-type hutch on top?
The lamp relieves what had always been a dark corner.
Do I need one on the other table, too?
Well, this is today's look.
We'll see what tomorrow brings.
Another month will mean decorating for Christmas
and it will all change again.