19 November, 2012

Monday morning

It's finished!
The Annex is officially open
and nearly full!

Isn't Tim good? 
 You'd never know this wasn't an original part of the house!
He removed the siding from that section of the garage wall and pieced it back
together to cover the shed.
Shelves and hooks help organize the stuff we moved in from the garage.
And there is still some room available!

We both parked in the garage last night.

And  yes - our grass is that green.  
Brown and crunchy all summer and look at it now!

Here's a look at another Sunday project:

Larry and Mary have left the state - headed for retirement in Arizona. - we wish them well.
Larry came down last weekend for a quick goodbye and dropped 
off a huge plant and the large crock.
I took advantage of several crocks already on hand and cleaned up
 the stock of fireplace supplies.
In a serendipitous turn - earlier this week, at JoAnn Fabrics, no less, I found
a package of *clips* for brick surfaces and was finally able to
hang the match holder from my dad's place.

The following is my contribution to the always surprising *small world* category.
Friday I helped serve Thanksgiving dinner at Kennybrook - around
350 people - who were split in 3 different dining halls
and served in 2 shifts.  A fun time.
Afterwords I ran into friends from long ago,
Tom and Laila Messerly, who were there as guests of one the residents.
As we were chatting,  Selma - now a resident -
who used to live in Harvey ND and got to know Tom and Laila 
after she moved to the Des Moines area, joined us.
Growing up in Harvey, she had know Tewkesburys forever 
and, of course, Box T, where I volunteered as a cook for several years.

Probably 5 - 10 minutes of friendly chitchat 
but it touched off a landslide of good memories including this 
breakfast staple from camp:
I'd never had it and couldn't imagine that it would go over well 
but the girls loved it!
  maybe it was just the combination of fresh air and hard work.

Any way, I bought a box during our grocery run on Saturday morning.
Bon Appetit!

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